Thursday, October 19, 2017

Dmitri Dao Llamo
Twenty Four

(To be finished...)

"钱 - Money - Деньги
You can't take it when you die
,,ʇᴉ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ ǝʌᴉl ʇ,uɐɔ noʎ ʇnq

True Name-  Subject D81-TR1

Pronunciation- Dim-ee-tree Dow Lam-oh


                  "Dmitri" -  the Russian version of Demetrios, meaning "devoted"
                  "Dao" - "way" from an Asian dialect
                  "Llamo" - a version of "god" in Tibetan

Face Claim: Godfrey Gao

Voice Claim: 

Nicknames: Dmi, Tri, DD, Leo, Clyde
Birthdate: March 1st, 1967
Birthplace: Siberia, Russia
Race: 1/2 Tibetan, 1/2 Russian
Profession: Owner of a Drug Empire

Snow Leopard Splice


Dmi is a snack, let's just put it like that. Being of Tibetan decent, he has darkened tan skin, a nice even subtle brown color. From his Russian side he earns his height, standing at about 6'3, and from his years of non stop training, he is well muscled and broad shoulder with a lean torso. He has a narrowed face with a sharp jawline, light facial hair growing alongside his jaw, perfectly kept and clean cut. Dmitri has full lips and a straight nose, his cheekbones slightly rounded. His amber-brown eyes are slightly narrow with rather large pupils, and since he is blind in his left eye, a milky-blue sheen lies over the surface. His incredibly dense, straight, short hair is neat yet messy at the same time, windblown one might call it. His smile is award winning, a bright wall of straight white teeth. We can all agree, those scientists knew what they were doing.

Image result for snow leopard pinterestCharismatic is undoubtedly a word to describe Dmitri, he's charming, alluring with a good sense of humor. But no matter how people pleasing the Tibetan is, one must always remember that this is a cutthroat businessman. The difference between the two sides of him can almost make him appear two faced. Dmitri will step on anyone and everyone for the Empire, he will steal, lie, cheat and murder for it. He's a subtle man, his change in emotion going almost unnoticed, and he has mastered the art of a poker face, after all with such a dangerous business he runs, he needs to be likable. Cross the man and hell have mercy on your soul, eight shooters will be ready to gun you down in a matter of minutes. His inner circle is extremely tight, cryptic and exclusive, but one thing rings true- all within the circle will kill for the Llamo twins. If you value your life, honesty, loyalty and respect are key with this ruthless man. Emotion isn't really...his strong point. He is very protective of Anke, but even at times it seems that she doesn't know him either. Not the real him. Dmitri doesn't get close to people, because Dmitri doesn't have friends, Dmitri has associates.


Image result for godfrey gao photoshootThe Soviet Union military science department was working on more than just nuclear weapons. They wanted soldiers that could infiltrate enemy lines undetected, yet wipe out hundreds in a matter of moments. Therefore, Project IX began, splicing human genes and animal genes that could help Russia win this war and all wars to come. That's when Dr. Bogdan Ivanovich became one of the overseers of Project IX, and he did his job well. However, the testing took years. He tried splicing human and animal genes purely, impregnating animals with human seed and vice versa. Bogdan only had one child, Sergei Ivanovich whom he rarely ever saw or loved. Days and nights were spent on Project IX, that's all Sergei heard growing up- and he hated the project. He hated his father. However, Bogdan's work, however, outlived him, and his son Dr. Sergei Ivanovich stepped into his father's shoes. But the department was running out of ideas for creating their beast-like super soldiers, and the Soviet Unions general was growing tired of failure. He threatened to cut off funds and dedicate research solely on the nuclear weapons department. So, Dr. Ivanovich and the other senior scientists had to think quickly. They couldn't waste money on getting sperm and ova donors, nor subjects willing to carry possibly deformed infants without knowing the full risk- so soldiers were paid under the table to move to poorer surrounding countries to abduct subjects to be tested on. Sergei Ivanovich oversaw the work in Tibet where they took many Tibetan men and women and brought them back to Russia.
Image result for godfrey gao photoshootExperiments began to resume, at the cost of many subjects lives and sanity. But then Sergei met Dalai Llamo, a beautiful Tibetan woman and he fell in love with her. And yes, he wanted to protect Dalai from the cruelty of the experiments. So, Sergei begged the senior scientists to spare her life, to spare all of the subjects lives but he was only excommunicated. Sergei threatened to tell the world about the twisted projects occurring in Russia, but the military only had him killed.
But this presented a wondrous opportunity for the military scientists, for it was discovered that Dalai was pregnant. They took the gestating fetuses from her body and removed human genes, replacing them with the genetics of a snow leopard, and luckily Dalai was kept alive. So the three babies grew in the test tubes, carefully monitored as they did so, and eventually were born as well- however one was sadly a stillbirth. They weren't allowed to be given names, only titles. The boy was Subject D81-TR1, the girl was Subject K57-T01..

And so goes the story of the Llamo twins. Dmitri was raised to be a killer, that philosophy was embedded in his mind from the time he could walk- and then his training began. He grew faster than the average kid, he could gunsling from the time he was five years old. Dmitri was tested on, just as much as he was trained. He was rarely allowed to see his mother, and when he was, there were always guards. Dalai could never speak freely, never tell him the truth about his father, the Institute or Project IX. Once Dmitri had fifteen, his real training began. The Llamo twins had never met a man as ruthless as General Malkovich. Dmitri was beaten, bloodied and broken by the General, abused in every way imaginable. As cruel punishment, Malkovich blinded Dmitri in his left eye. Hatred sowed its seeds within the boys heart but alas, he would not act upon it. Yet.

The war was upon them, the Russians deemed Project IX too risky, and all subjects, the many failed and the few successful, were put back into their tanks, dormant. For decades, hatred festered like a wound in Dmitri. When the Soviet government granted the scientists permission to continue with the Project, Dmitri was the go to. Once released, the seventeen year old experiment killed all in sight and set the other subjects free. All who couldn't escape died when Dmitri set fire to the Institute, He spared one life- Alexei, a bear splice. Together, Dmitri, Anke and Alexei made their way through the mountains of Siberia, and arrived in China. They lived on the streets as minor criminals, until they were recruited by the Triple Triads, the Chinese Mafia. For two years, Dmitri and Anke worked their way up and due to their immaculate power and deadly ability. On their nineteenth birthday, the Llamo twins murdered the Triads leader and took over.

Together, they expanded, owning drug rings in the Americas, Asia and Europe. The most feared twins in the drug world are some of the most powerful, pretty much owning the majority of the East and America. The Empire is Dmitri's purpose and passion in life, and he intends to grow more powerful than he already is.

Long live the Llamo twins.

Ying and Yang Snakes- two snakes intertwined on his left forearm, one white and one black, like the yin and the yang.

Koi Fish- a tattoo for his sister, representing their relationship. Two watercolor koi fish swim in place behind his left shoulder, splattered with red, representing the blood money Anke and Dmitri possess together, as well as their Empire.


-Earlobe Piercings-
-Ear Cartilage Rings-

-Scarification and Burns-

-Four giant scars raking across his left shoulder, down to his right hipbone-
-A knife wound around his left eye, splitting his eyebrow-
-A few bullet wounds on his right shoulder-
-Two cigarette burns on the nape of his neck-


-Ailments, Traumas & Disorders-

Father: Sergei Ivanovich (deceased)
Mother: Dalai Llamo (deceased)
Brothers: None
Sisters: Anke Llamo, Nameless (deceased)
Spouse: N/A
Offspring: N/A

Sexuality- 80% Hetero, 20% Homo
Relationship Status- Single

Snow Leopard Form


-Enhanced Senses-

enhanced senses including hyper hearing, smell, sight, etc.

-Enhanced Strength-

genetically altered inhuman strength


the ability to regenerate cells on command in his own body


not an enhanced ability, but Dmitri has been using guns since he was four years old

-Were Form-

the ability to generate claws, more muscle, fangs and gain a leopard-like appearance


the ability to sense movements, pulses, etc. through walls and barriers

-Hyper Resistance-

enhanced defense against attacks, as well as thicker skin


~ Anke Llamo ~

~ Rosemarie ~

~ Willow Grace ~

~ Gabriela ~

~ Milo Dai ~

~ Malachi Morgan ~

-Place of Living-

Image result for most expensive mansion in chinaDmitri owns many homes throughout the world; one in Brazil, one in Miami, one in Los Angeles, one in New York, one in Japan, the list could go on. However, his main home, his true home is in China; a mansion worth $153,000,000, located in the mountains. It is just shy of the most expensive home in China, at $154,000,000. Here, it is close to the poppy fields where his employed farmers work on the farm, harvesting poppy seeds for...well, heroin. The Llamo mansion is very beautiful, equipped with luxurious rooms and decorum, heavily guarded by his men, and under surveillance by none other than Dmitri himself. It's nearly impossible to get in without invitation, but if you do, you probably won't want to leave.

-Pets, Familiars & Companions-

{{Exit Dmitri}}


{{Enter Writer}}

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